The threatening strike did not take place after all.
The threatening strike did not take place after all.
I'm feeling rather fragile after all that beer last night.
He reversed the judgment and set the prisoner free after all.
The cherry trees cast all their blossoms after the storm.
风暴过后, 樱花全部落掉。
Maybe pulmonary edema was not in the cards for me after all.
He didn’t win first prize after all. That’ll bring him down a peg or two.
But medicine is science after all, face congenital god, any make a stand against are infructuous.
After a great deal of toing and froing, I decided not to change jobs after all.
I’m sure Ray will make a special effort to please the new supervisor—after all, he knows which side his bread is buttered!
The melamine is truly one kind can the pathogenesis chemistry supplement, but this was not equal to after all said it is one toxicoid.
She spent most of her time abroad with other English speakers, which I suppose is only natural. Birds of a feather flock together, after all.
Even if such, I return clear feel there individual bring my warmth with love, after all is I am dreaming or live in the persiflage?
Most of the people in the world are salariat,and the millionaires are minority after all,then how can the salariat driver the luxury roadster in a short time?
In the daily life, the standard build people are not after all many, the clothing and the build necessary goal, is achieves the consummation through the pseudoblepsia the impression.
Beam side form shall be installed after all work inspected and accepted such as beam rebar work, cushion block laying, steel inserts installation, steel doweling and pocket molding bed, etc.
I do not focus on the Limits to Growth world model because I want to pick on its potent political implications (the first version did, after all, inspire a generation of antigrowth activists).